Potrivit NBC News, echipa de medici coordonată de medicul român Victor Velculescu este pe cale să revoluționeze lupta cu cea mai acerbă boală a secolului XXI, cancerul. Oamenii de știință de la Universitatea Johns Hopkins din SUA au dezvoltat un test prin care mai multor pacienți le-au fost depistate diferite tipuri de cancer de care sufereau, fără ca aceștia să cunoască faptul că au necruțătoarea boală. Se pare că testul a depistat cancerul în faze incipiente în cazul a peste jumătate dintre pacienții asupra cărora s-a făcut testarea. Dacă va intra pe piața medicală, testul va salva viața a milioane de oameni.
„La momentul actual oamenii sunt extrem de entuziasmați de biopsiile lichide, însă cele mai multe dintre ele sunt folosite în stadii târzii sau la pacienți la care știi deja ce să cauți”, a declarat Victor Velculescu, profesor de oncologie și patologie la Centrul Kimmel pentru Cancer din cadrul Universității Johns Hopkins.
Cine este prof. dr. Victor Velculescu?
S-a născut pe 16 august 1970, în București, dar a emigrat împreună cu familia în SUA de pe vremea când era copil. Profesor de oncologie la Școala de Medicină de la Universitatea Johns Hopkins din SUA, dr. Velescu este doctor în genetică umană și biologie moleculară. A fost premiat în repetate rânduri pentru perfomanțele dezvoltate de-a lungul timpului, în special în domeniul de cercetare a cancerului.
*mai multe informații găsiți pe: http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/profiles/results/directory/profile/8443494/victor-velculescu
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victor_Velculescu și http://greatnews.ro/victor-velculescu-test-cancer-incipient/
*sursa foto: https://alchetron.com/Victor-Velculescu-880556-W
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Dera Professor Victor Velculescu
I send you the results of the” Immunohistochemical (IHC) Exam of the intestinal recto-colic polyp.
Genetic Marker CDX2 positive, in conserved glandular structures.
KI67 mark of regenerative appearance, repair.
CD 34 capillary marking.
TP53 Negative gene (non-mutant).
Conclusions: Morphological and immuno-histochemical aspect in favour of a hyperplastic micro-polypus, free of dysplasia.
Personal from Interpretation:medical liteature specialty
-The CDX2 marker is a recently cloned home-box gene that encodes an intestine-specific transcription factor, expressed in the nuclei of epithelial cells throughout the intestine, from the duodenum to the rectum. While expression of CDX2 protein in primary and metastatic colorectal carcinomas has been previously documented, neither the sensitivity nor the specificity of CDX2 expression, as determined by immunohistochemistry, for colorectal adenocarcinoma, has been determined. Neither CDX1 nor CDX2 is expressed in the normal gastric epithelium. CDX2 immuno-labelling may have diagnostic usefulness in the evaluation of serrated polyps.
-The expression of Ki67 is strongly associated with tumour cell proliferation and growth and is widely used in the routine pathological investigation as a proliferation marker. The nuclear protein Ki67 (pKi67) is an established prognostic and predictive indicator for the assessment of biopsies from patients with cancer.
-Clinically, pKi67 has been shown to correlate with metastasis and the clinical stage of tumours. Also, it has been shown that Ki67 expression is significantly higher malignant tissues with poorly differentiated tumour cells, as compared with normal tissue. The Ki67 protein has a half-life of only ~1–1.5 h. It is present during all active phases of the cell cycle (G1, S, G2 and M), but is absent in resting cells (G0). In later phases of mitosis (during anaphase and telophase), a sharp decrease in Ki67 levels occur. Expression of the Ki67 protein (pKi67) is associated with the proliferative the activity of intrinsic cell populations in malignant tumours, allowing it to be used as a marker of tumour aggressiveness.
Many diagnostic applications for pKi67 have been described, where Ki67 was significantly more highly expressed in malignant than in normal tissues. pKi67 also tended to increase with decreasing tissue differentiation and it was correlated with the presence of occult metastasis and the clinical stage of tumours. Proliferative activity in tumours can be determined by mitotic counting, flow-cytometric determination of synthesis-phase fraction and immunohistochemistry using antibodies reactive against various proliferating cellular antigens, (Gerdes et al., 1984}.
More recent studies on Ki67 have indicated that it undergoes proteasome-mediated degradation during G1 phase and upon cell-cycle exit and that depletion of Cdh1, an activator of the Anaphase Promoting Complex (APC/C), stabilizes Ki67, (Sobecki et al., 2016, 2017}
These results show that simply scoring Ki67 as positive or negative in a tumour biopsy can be an oversimplification.
– A negative CD34 may exclude inflammatory myofibroblastic tumours of the stomach. Gastrointestinal stromal tumours are the most common mesenchymal tumours of the gastrointestinal tract, which originate from the interstitial cells of Cajal. These tumours are characterized by expression of CD117 and CD34 antigens and activating mutations in the KI genes. In this context of my IHC results, I believe that the diagnosis can be cancer „in situ”, incipient, (Stage 0).
Please, confirm my supposition!.
Thanks !.
Dr Aurelian Udristioiu, MD, Fellow PhD,
Primary Physician of Laboratory Medicine,
Associate Professor Universitatea Titu Maioreswcu,
AMG Branch, City Targu Jiu, Romania